
You can view and download the PDF versions here: CV - long and detailed, and Resume - short 2-page version.


Ph.D. (Personal Health Informatics) , 2021
Khoury College of Computer Sciences and Bouve College of Health Sciences Northeastern University
Thesis: “Measuring subjective experiences using wearable microinteractions”
Advisor: Prof. Stephen S Intille
Thesis committee: Prof. Stephen Intille (Northeastern Univ.), Prof. Matthew Goodwin (Northeastern Univ.), Prof. Justin Manjourides (Northeastern Univ.), and Prof. Genevieve Dunton (Univ. of Southern California)

B.Des (Design), 2013
Department of Design
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati
Thesis: “Trust-inducing interface elements in online shopping” Advisor(s): Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar and Prof. Debayan Dhar


Sr. Quantitative User Researcher, MongoDB, Jun 2024 - present
Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction, User Modeling, and Personalization
Location: Boston, MA

Research Scientist, Spotify, Jan 2022 - Mar 2024
Group: Human-in-the-AI (HAI) at Spotify Research Lab led by Sam F Way
Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Centered AI, and Personalization
Location: Boston, MA

Researcher, Northeastern University, Sep 2015 - Dec 2021
Group: mHealth Research Group led by Prof. Stephen Intille
Dept: Khoury College of Computer Science and Bouve College of Health Sciences
Research areas: Experience sampling, Mobile/Wearable Computing, and Human-Computation
Location: Boston, MA

Research Intern, Philips, May 2019 - Aug 2019
Group: Philips Design and Innovation led by Payaal Patel
Research areas: Wearable Computing and Human-AI Interactions
Location: Boston, MA

UX Researcher, Samsung R&D Institute, Jul 2013 - Jul 2015
Group: Next eXperiences with Technology (NXT) Group led by Dr. Sarita Seshagiri
Research areas: Mobile Health, Input Methods, and Accessibility
Location: Bengaluru, India

Visiting Researcher, TU Eindhoven (TU/e), May 2012 - Jul 2012
Group: Human-Technology Interaction (HTI) Group led by Prof. Jaap Ham
Research areas: Human-AI Interactions and Virtual Agents
Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Research Assistant, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, Jan 2011 - April 2011
Group: UE + HCI Group led by Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar and Prof. Debayan Dhar
Research areas: Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering
Location: Guwahati, India

Open-source Contribution

  • MixWILD - an interactive program to conduct multi-level modeling on longitudinal data. Available here and used in behavioral health workshops for advanced statistical training.
  • Signaligner Pro - an interactive tool to visualize and annotate large-scale raw sensor data collected at high frequencies. Available here and used in several NIH studies to label sensor data for ML training.

Awards and Honors

  • Distinguished Research Paper Award, PACM IMWUT (vol 6.) 2023
  • Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews, PACM IMWUT 2017, 2022 and ACM CHI 2024
  • BostonCHI Lifetime Membership awarded by FutureWei Technologies, 2020.
  • NU-TECH + AWS Award by NEU Center for Entrepreneurship Education, 2018.
  • Best Presentation Award at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), New England Chapter’s Research Symposium, 2018.
  • Amandus H. Lundqvist Scholarship (ALSP-silver) for masters studies in TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2015.
  • Young Achiever of the Year, Samsung Annual Awards, 2013-14
  • Best Research Paper Award, PERSUASIVE 2013

Service and Leadership

  • Vice-chair, BostonCHI, Boston-area chapter of ACM SIGCHI (2021 – 2023)
  • Member, ACM SIGCHI (2021 – present), Steering committee, BostonCHI, Boston area chapter of ACM SIGCHI (2018 – 2023), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), New England Chapter (2020 – 2021)
  • Peer-reviewer, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017 – 2024), ACM Interactive Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT or UbiComp 2019 – 2022), ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions (TOCHI), Proceedings of the ACM in Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2021 - 2023), NeurIPS (AI Ethics Review 2024), IEEE Pervasive Computing, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Journal for Measurement of Physical Behavior (JMPB), IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2019), BioMed Central (BMC) Research Notes

Presentations and Talks

[TALK] “Scaling experience sampling with smartwatch microinteactions” at: BostonCHI (ACM SIGCHI Chapter of Greater Boston Area) - 2024 QuantUXCon (International Conf. on Quantitative User Experience) - 2024

[TALK] “Human-centered Recommender Systems” at Northeastern University – 2021. Host – Prof. Herman Saksono

[TALK + POSTERS] “Measuring subjective experiences using wearable microinteractions” at:
Spotify Research – 2021. Host – Dr. Jenn Thom
PROVE Center, Brigham and Women’s Health, Harvard Medical – 2019. Host - Prof. Chris Sidey-Gibbons
MITRE Corporation – 2018. Host – Harry Sleeper
Human Factors and Ergonomic Society (HFES), New England Chapter, Draper Labs – 2018
Data Science in Biomedical Research, Dana Farber Cancer Research Inst. – 2018

[TALK] “The very basics of user research” at Indian School of Business — 2021. Host – Harmanpreet Singh

[TALK] “Health behavior research – A design problem” at GoInvo — 2019. Host – Juhan Sonin

Outreach and Coverage

  • Interview with Industry Playlist Newsletter on music recommendation systems- Industry Playlist, June 2024. Link
  • How do people stream newly released music? - Spotify R & D Blog, May 2024. Link
  • Exploring Goal-oriented Podcast Recommendations - Spotify R & D Blog, Mar 2023. Link
  • How video games could be used to generate AI training data - VentureBeat, Feb 2022. Link
  • Smart fitness devices like Fitbits could help change your behaviors with this new approach - Northeastern Global News, Mar 2020. Link
  • Northeastern University professor combines computer science with health and measurement with self-reporting to improve the accuracy of fitness tracking - Northeastern Global News, Sept 2019. Link

Mentoring and Advising

  • Northeastern University: Stephanie Santana (MPH’17), Krystal Huey (PharmD’18), Clarence Hann (MS Game Science’19), Krit Goyal (MS Comp Science’20), Adeeb Arif (MS Cybersecurity’20), Pranav Sharma (MS Comp Science’21), Spencer Franklin (BS Comp Science + Game Design’19)
  • Spotify Research: Yu Liang (PhD TU Eindhoven’23), Julie Jiang (PhD student, USC’24. Also, Forbes 30 under 30 in Science)


  • Research and Data Analysis: Univariate & multivariate statistics, multi-level modeling, regression analysis (linear, non-linear, and logistic), power analysis, factor analysis, time series analysis, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, qualitative interviews, focus group sessions, experience sampling, longitudinal experiment design, scientific writing and communication
  • Programming: Python, R, Java, C#, SQL, BigQuery, SAS, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Processing, MongoDB
  • Software/Tools/APIs: OpenAI, Android Studio, RStudio, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Unity, NetBeans, SPSS, SAS, Git, Adobe Creative Suite, Tableau, P5.js, Figma,, DScout, and AWS (S3 and DynamoDB)
  • Design: Interactive prototyping, heuristic evaluation, A/B testing, hierarchical task analysis, data visualization